Skibbitt is a puzzle game where players attempt to create the best possible groupings of game tiles over the course of three rounds of play.
Each tile in Skibbitt has a unique combination of Color, Shape, and Letter. To solve each puzzle, players must select three tiles per round which add up to the maximum possible total score.
There are six possible values for a game tile’s Color, Shape, and Letter:
- Colors — Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple
- Shape — Circle, Digon, Dome, Square, Pentagon, and Hexagon
- Letter — A, B, C, D, E, and F
Valid groupings in Skibbitt are:
- Sets — Three of the same value
- Runs — Three consecutive values
- Skips — Three values which skip exactly one value in between (example: primary colors Red, Yellow, and Blue)
Players can determine the correct solution to a puzzle based on the following game rules:
- Each puzzle has exactly one (and only one) solution to result in the maximum possible total score for the puzzle
- A valid grouping is possible in at least one category of Color, Shape, and/or Letter for every round of play
- The score for each round of play must increase compared to the score for the previous round
- The third round of play should always be able to create at least one valid group in all three categories of Color, Shape, and Letter (known as a Skibbitt)
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